Inkblot personality test download#
The test was introduced in 1921 by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. Download the Rorschach psychological test application for free, to discover the hidden features of your personality and your friends, through the Rorschach. Rorschach’s test is meant to reveal how a person processes information. Rorschach test, also called Rorschach inkblot test, projective method of psychological testing in which a person is asked to describe what he or she sees in 10 inkblots, of which some are black or gray and others have patches of colour.

The 10 blots are probably the “most analyzed paintings of the 20th century,” says Searls. Regardless of the scientific debate, the Rorschach test has left its mark on American culture. He chose to publish a few, as we are doing here. That’s a challenge Damion Searls faced as he wrote The Inkblots, the first biography of Rorschach. To preserve their utility as a diagnostic tool, psychologists don’t want them shown outside a clinical setting. The Rorschach cards and the order in which they’re presented to patients have never changed. But a major 2013 study published by the American Psychological Association found it more effective than previously believed in diagnosing mental illness. The Rorschach has been standardized using the Exner system and is effective in measuring depression, psychosis, and anxiety. Critics called for a moratorium on its use. This test was designed to look for patterns of thought disorder in schizophrenia and has evolved to include other areas, like personality, emotional disorders, and intelligence. In the second half of the century, trends like Freudian analysis fell out of favor, and the test became a synonym for pseudoscience. After being brought to Chicago, they spread quickly across the United States as a popular personality test. Rorschach’s original 10 images were published in 1921, the year before his death. Asking people what they saw, he observed a correlation in responses from patients with schizophrenia and theorized that mental health could be assessed by how someone processes visual information. In a small town in Switzerland in 1917, psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach began carefully splattering paint on cards to study how the mind works. This story appears in the September 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine.